
GRATIS Spiel: Absolute Drift Zen Edition via GOG

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Momentan gibt es: Absolute Drift kostenlos via GRATIS

Gültig bis zum 19.06.2021

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Viel Spaß


Drifting: the Art Of Sliding Sideways.In Absolute Drift, you will master the art of drifting. Practice your skills in Free-Roam and compete in drift events such as Driftkhana and Mountain Drifting.Key Features

  • Drive and customize up to 6 drift cars
  • 3 Game Modes: Driftkhana, Drifting, & Mountain Drifting with 34 levels
  • 5 Free-Roaming areas, each with unique levels and themes, from airports and docks to a floating metropolis
  • Online Leaderboards, replays and ghost cars. View your friends‘ runs or the best in the world!
  • 3+ hours of clean Drum & Bass and Electronic music by C41 and Nyte
  • Full Controller Support

Zen EditionWe teamed up with FlippFly, the developers of Race the Sun to bring several new features to the game, including:

  • New “event challenges” that will extend the gameplay in the game’s 34 tracks by challenging players to complete increasingly difficult tasks.
  • Drift Lines: a new challenge in events where you must drift through all the dots.
  • 5 all new “Midnight Events.” These night-themed tracks are designed to challenge even the most experienced players.
  • Replays and ghost cars. View your friends‘ runs or the best in the world!
  • An all new tutorial and in-game guide to help new players ease into the game’s features and controls.
  • New input system for better controller compatibility.

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